RTW of best Lighthouses

lighthouse trip

Lighthouses Around the World: London > Mumbai > Bangkok > Tokyo > San Francisco > Madrid > London

There are many lighthouses that have been constructed and built across the world. One of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World was the lighthouse built in Alexandria, Egypt.
We have brought to you an itinerary of some of the most fascinating lighthouses that are present around the world.

From: £ 2.400

Low Lighthouse, UK:  Also known very popularly as the Burnham-on-Sea lighthouse, the low lighthouse is located in Somerset, England. The lighthouse isbuilt of wood and at its base are wooden legs or pillars. The height of the low lighthouse is36 feet and it was built in the year 1832.

Pondicherry, India:   In a country most would associate with English colonialism, Pondicherry is a strongly French-influenced town in the south ofIndia. The lovely lighthouse shot out its first beam in 1836 and remained in use for 150 years. Its stands now as a monument, but is being restored as a museum to the French architecture of the town.

Promthep cape lighthouse, Thailand:  This lighthouse was built in the year 1996 to commemorate the rule of the Thai king Bhumibol Adulyadej. The uniqueness of the lighthouse design is that the lighthouse’s crown is topped with gold. The lighthouse is located to the South of Phuket

Yokohama Marine Tower, Japan:  The Yokohama Marine Tower is known for the two different light flashes emanating from the light tower. The light is flashed every 20 seconds in green and red as alternating colours. The lighthouseis located atYokohama and was used for the first time in the year 1961. The lighthouse design is unique and according to a few, the marine tower is the tallest lighthouse in the world – at 106 meters

Pigeon Point Lighthouse, USA:  Also known as the Pigeon Point Light Station, the lighthouse hasbeen in use since 1861 and is the tallest lighthouse in the Western coast ofUnited States. The lighthouse pictures of the Pigeon Point lighthouse depict a very quaint and serene building. It was built to help ships find their way to the Californian Pacific coast.

Torre de Hercules, Spain: The lighthouse is also known as the Tower of Hercules. In 2009, this lighthouse became a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is a National Monument of Spain. It is supposed to have been present right from the second century. The lighthouse stands at 187 feet. The Torre de Hercules is a modern name for the lighthouse as until 20th century it was known as the Farum Brigantium. Coruna

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