Hospitality Exchange

Hospitality Exchange

Hospitality exchange involves hosting people in your home, and vice-versa – staying in other people’s homes – while you are travelling.

Servas International
Founded in 1949 as a peace movement by Mahatma Ghandi, Servas is today an international, non-governmental, interracial peace association run in over 100 countries by volunteers.  Servas encourages travellers to experience other societies more deeply and with more understanding. Through Servas, travellers have the opportunity to meet their host, their families and friends and join in their everyday life.

CouchSurfing A free non profit membership community, and one of the largest hospitality exchange networks

Hospitality Club A very large hospitality ex-change organization. Web only

Hospitality Exchange An annual fee for listing in bi-annual printed directories distributed to members.

Stay4free Founded by a musician looking for a place to stay while travelling; it’s a free web-only membership directory.

Nomadcommunity The Community I founded in the year 2000 in order to do the first ever interactive RTW Tour.



